
These are the books I recommend for beginning poker players or those who have been playing a while and are not satisfied with their winrate.

Poker Beginner to Poker Winner in 1,000 Hands is my own book, so admittedly, I’m biased. But I can honestly say that it should be the first book for a beginning poker or a poker player not yet satisfied with their winrate. It is the book I would recommend to anyone who wants to play poker for profit.

Poker Winner to Poker Beginner in 1,000 hands is available in paperback or Kindle on Amazon, or buy it here in .pdf:

Professional No-Limit Hold ’em, Volume I is the book that I recommend you read second – at least until I finish my second book. This is the book that introduced the concept of stack-to-pot ratio, one of the key concepts of no-limit.