The Plan

Your instant path to millions of dollars in winnings!

Just kidding . . .

This is a plan for you to develop your poker skills so that you can move relatively quickly from the micro-stakes, NL2 or NL5, to NL10 and then to NL25. You will use your winnings at those stakes to take a shot at NL100. If you succeed and learn how to win at NL100, you can earn enough money to make the time spent at the tables worth it.

The plan is a roadmap from one stakes to the next, developing your skills along the way.

You may not be successful your first shot at 100NL, but it will be nearly impossible for you to lose your entire bankroll. In fact, you will start with $100 of your hard-earned, yet disposable, money and no matter how badly you do at 100NL, you will still have $100 left.

If you follow the plan to the letter.

Here is The Plan:

First, start playing online micro-stakes with a one hundred dollar deposit that you can afford to lose.  Play the lowest stakes for several sessions.  Use the tips in Chapter 2.  

Do not let your bankroll go lower than $60.While you do that, start reading and studying.

As you study, take the Thousand Hand Challenge at appendix A.  That is what you saved that sixty dollars for.

Follow it to the letter.  You will move up to five cent/ten cent stakes to start the challenge, then go to ten cent/twenty-five cent. Play at NL10 and NL 25 until you build your bankroll large enough to take a shot at 100NL.  You should have completed reading the book at least one time through before you take your shot at 100NL

OK, I get it. I have to buy your book to follow the plan, right?

No, you don’t have to buy my book. You could watch the videos and see how the Thousand Hand Challenge works. It’s not mysterious, it is just a way to be very deliberate in learning a default strategy and learning how to adjust your strategy for opponents at NL10 and NL25.

You can download the cheat sheet for the NL10 default strategy and the winrate spreadsheet to track your play here. You can study about poker by buying other books, watching Youtube vids and buying training and analysis software. That’s what I did. It took me three years to learn enough to be successful at 100NL.

But, I’m hard-headed; maybe you are a faster learner.

Here’s what you will get if you do buy the book:

Three years of study of poker books, videos, articles and software condensed into one book. In the book, I recommend videos, articles and software along the way that correspond to the chapters. It will be a time-saver since your study will be efficient and focused.

Each chapter builds on knowledge from previous chapters and prepares you for the following chapters.

I also give advice on what not to study, so you avoid wasting time.

Many poker teachers know the game far better than I. There are books by poker players who have made millions, while I have only made a part-time income a little better than I made while driving rideshare.

My one and only advantage over other poker teachers is that I was a professional teacher for decades before I discovered poker. I have a Masters in Education and a Masters in Educational psychology.

I know how to make the learning accessible.

Also, the default strategy for 100NL is significantly different and so is the way that you follow it in Level V of the challenge. You can use what’s available for free to build your bankroll for 100NL, but you will need the book if you want to take that shot the way I recommend.

Most poker books are at least thirty dollars. Keep Calm and Re-Buy, Volume I is the Best $19.99, $9.99, or $5.99 value in poker.

I hate books! I’ll never buy your stinkin’ book!


Fine. The default 10NL strategy works at 25NL also. If you want just the default 100NL strategy and you can plow through all the articles and videos it will take you to learn what I condensed for you in one book, go to the “shop” on this website and buy the 100NL default short stack strategy one-sheet for 1BB.

But, remember that I told you this: Just playing the 100NL default strategy without adjusting as I explain in the book will likely make you a slight to significant loser in the long run. You need to be a winning poker player to succeed at 100NL. Playing through the first four levels of the Thousand Hand Challenge while studying poker using the book as your blueprint for learning will make you that winning player ready to take your shot at 100NL.